Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pictures from a friend

The birth of a ladybug/ladybird

From my friend Angie in UK

I know some of you enjoy my weird and wonderful photos, so I thought I would share a rather unique experience I recently had. Hands up who has seen the life cycle of a ladybird? Anyone seen one being born? Well here's a little nature lesson for you then First of all, this is how the poor lovely ladybird begins its life. Yes this ugly little critter is in the early stages of becoming what we all know and love

Oh but it gets worse! You see the shell has to harden up next, and they they have to do these rather unflattering yoga poses!

But then comes the big moment, when its time to break loose and get some sun and spots, and here it is happening ...

But then the poor little chap gets a real complex when he sees himself for the first time and realises he got his colours all wrong

Oh well, better luck next time! LOL!

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